D.C. Flirting. . .

Him: “I know your husband tells you all the time that you’re beautiful.”
Me: “Uh” *smiling* – “except that I don’t have one.” (thinking: that was a good one – a twist on an almost cliche’ line. . . . at least one I’d never heard before)
Him: “Well I know you heard it last night then.” *directly looking into my eyes*
Me: *chuckle* “nah, actually I didn’t.” *laugh*…

…and this all happened after giving me a huge discount on my purchase.
Today, I might just love the District of Columbia. The temperature in my car is registering a beautiful 68 degrees and the sky is a serene clear blue and this dude just made my entire day.

Now the only problem with this is: He is a 6’4″, slim, chocolate brotha working at an office supply store and just gave me a tremendous discount on laminating services.

Okay, not all of that is problematic. . . 6’4″, slim and chocolate is all good.

…but what do I do with his job?

Maybe he’s the manager…hell,maybe he’s the owner. Well, maybe not the owner, lol. It was a chain store. Maybe this is his part-time gig because he has a passion for…OFFICE SUPPLIES???? No, but think about it, whoever invented the staple: I’m sure he’s way rich. Or the paper clip. Or the envelope. Hell, LAMINATING. I mean, that’s what I went there for. Clearly, I’m not the only person who needs this service.

And therein lies the problem. . .

Why do I even care about his job? Why not just accept that he just made me smile from the inside out.

. . . . all that. And the thing is. . . he never even got my number. *Shrugs*

To Weave or Not To Weave

So much stigma attached to it…but why??

I read an Essence online article (link).

“Weave makes me feel like, if she’s faking on her hair, what else is she faking on?”

But I never hear that about Beyonce, Nia, Gabby (oh dang, there are two of them now. . . I mean, Gabrielle, not Gabourey, though she is sportin’ weave/wig too), Sanaa, Alicia, Janet, Mariah, Kim Kardashian, Ciara (ok, well maybe not Ciara, but her weave is an entirely different blog topic), and now even Malinda, or the extremely long list of females in the entertainment industry that the public swoons over at every siting.

It’s an image thing anyway…all in how you present. Men enjoy the “fantasy” anyway. I was honest with a guy about a weave and he told me I was lying…I was confused, because I was thinking: “why would I lie about that?” Not that I could think of anything better to lie about, but really? Where they do that at?

Props to all those long hair don’t care lovelies, but hey, I say, if you can’t achieve it, weave it. . . and even if you can, enjoy the option if you want – just get your tracks laid nicely and well blended. PLEASE! 🙂

I won’t say it’s completely shallow on a man’s part if he hates weave – I mean, there IS tons of support for his cause in the form of horrendous weave out there – but it really is just a preference, isn’t it? And you can sing india.arie all day if you like…a lot of men will NOT sing it with you.

But really, if he is unable to see past “your” hair – what is he really looking for?…

“A weave is a major turn off for me. I’m big on how a woman’s hair smells and I’ve never met a weave that smelled good.”

He’s apparently not dating the right women then, because I cannot stand the smell of “dirty” hair, and some of the worst culprits are women who do NOT wear weave. Especially the ones trying to hold on to that wonderful wrap style for 2-3 weeks at a time. Or that press/flat iron style that came out so beautiful two weeks ago…like you don’t sweat when you sleep, or when you go out dancing, or just wear a scarf and hat. Oh, and let’s not forget the hair oil and oil sheen users…that mess ATTRACTS the most dust and debris. I’m not saying don’t use it, I’m saying —>SHAMPOO!

I guess my view on the matter is a lot skewed by being a cosmetologist.

I ♥ weave — when done properly!

But don’t get it twisted, ♪♫ I am not my hair♫♪.

D.C. also known as, The District – Today

Gay Marriage

The law has now taken effect (news story) here in The District of Columbia.

Oh, I mean to say, “Same-sex” marriage is now legal here in the area.

Nope, I didn’t do a lot of debating or discussing the matter. pros or cons. I’m not gay. I guess I didn’t think it was relevant for my life. *shrugs*

To start, I’m not a gay basher or anything. I know a couple of gay men who I think are the greatest. They are fun, honest, great company, not trying to sleep with me, and give the best compliments (they actually notice mascara and new lip gloss).

I generally don’t care about your sexual preference – yes, that includes you too. Generally because I ain’t having sex with you.

But the zeal with which this legal measure was pursued and accepted triggered an “Aha” moment for me. (And I am still not an Oprah fan). I am asked, more times than I care to count, why I am single in DC. I figured it out!!!!

They are all gay here.
(I just needed an ego boost there. LOL.)

Seriously, though I don’t condone the lifestyle, don’t understand the mental innerworkings of the preference, grew up being taught that it was wrong, will show you Biblical references to support my personal thoughts on the matter if questioned, and really just flat out LIKE the idea of a man being with me — I really hope the passing of this gay marriage law will bring these “undercovers” out in the open. Maybe if it is considered more accepted, they will feel ok coming out.

If you’re gay, be gay. Pick a team and play on it. Fairly.

Not that there are levels to sin, but *I* can’t stand liars. So, for me, getting all you undercover gay men out in the open would be better for heterosexual women in society. At least we’ll know what population we are really working with if we’re trying to be coupled up.

So get those marriage licenses and don’t forget those wedding bands. WEAR THEM! Flash them to the world. “Hide it under a bushel – NO!!”

Maybe Georgia should go ahead and pass the law allowing same-sex marriage recognition, etc. because I hear Atlanta needs acceptance as well.

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