MOVIE REVIEW: “I Love You Phillip Morris” w/ Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor

I Love You Phillip Morris Movie with Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor

This is the sweetest………..most twisted, endearing, crass, heart-warming, ridiculous,entertaining, offensive, comedic, saddening, honestly unbelievable……


…………………..….I’ve ever seen.

And when I first heard the title, I thought it was a movie about smoking. Some underground cigarette scene…or something.

Carrey is so convincing, I think I now understand what happened with the break-up of his five-year romance with Jenny McCarthy.  hmmmmmmm.  But then, on the other hand, he is such a convincing con-artist in the film, I’m going to go ahead and confirm that his “image” as a heterosexual isn’t at all tarnished. But he really went hard on the “gaydom.”  Hard.

This movie starts out with a message on the screen that the story is based on real events…  “it really happened”….like for real…..

Now you KNOW when a person has to preface their words with “True story” or “This happened for real” or “this is the God’s honest truth” or “I PROMISE this happened”……they’re either THE most unreliable source known to mankind, or they’re LYING. And then there’s Jim Carrey – he’s a comedian.  But guess what??

This shit really happened.  Like REALLY. Surprised smile  (Esquire Magazine Interview with Russell) 

The movie is basically the story of this dude Steven Jay Russell’s experiences in life of being a most successful prison escapee.  What a claim to fame.  And a gay one.  Point for the gay world?? And he’s got a genius level IQ.  Point for the geniuses out there.  It chronicles Russell’s life as an adopted child, who becomes a police officer, husband, father, gay man, prisoner, successful business man, prisoner (yeah, I already said that), and escape artist.  You have to classify this as artistry because the man was just GOOD at it. REPEATEDLY.

So much happens in the film, I truly thought the movie was more than two hours long.  But it wasn’t.  102 minutes full of happenings that keep your attention.

McGregor brings a most captivating sincerity to the screen in his expressions toward his love interest. And you just “like” this guy.  Total sweetheart. Carrey just carried his career higher.  He had already solidified his expert physical comedy which served him quite well in this film. Adding to the comedy, Carrey pulls on your heart-strings. Well, sort of.

Steven Jay Russell’s story can wake our sleeping society.  Watch your back because even the best of them got straight SCAMMED!

Definitely a good flick.



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