So, if you haven’t already viewed the latest video of some chick’s hair catching on fire at Diddy’s party…… here it is…..with some poignant observations – on my part….

When I initially viewed it, like almost everyone else, I fell out laughing.  Like cracking up hard… was a MOST unexpected viewing.  I had to chuckle again just now.  (I know, that’s dead wrong.)

Then I read the voluminous statements of how….

*Ol’ girl was dumb

*Hoe woes.

*That’s what she get for wearing weave

*That’s why men don’t like weave

HOLD UP!!!!  THAT’S why men don’t like weave???

….because when men have you in a bathtub with a bunch of flickering candles flaming all about, they don’t want to see  your WEAVE catch on fire?!  Y’all keep dumb mess coming through your voiceboxes.  SMDH!
RIGHT.  What in the HELL ever. 

My favorite comment: *“I whip my hair back and forth” 

LMAOOOOO.  pop culture kills me.

BUT LOOK, check for the girl in the red bikini on the right– AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO before anything even pops off……SHE WAS FLUFFING AND PRIMPING OL’ GIRL’S HAIR IN THE TUB!!!!  Noticeably fluffing and primping…very interesting.

Beauty before fire safety, I presume.


Turns out…..

Miyoki Jones Hair

THAT HAIR GREW OUT HER SCALP!  Wasn’t even weave. 

But at the end of the day, I know she wishes it WAS weave now.  I guess it will grow back, but dang.

I’m thinking I would have rather had to replace my weave….but maybe not, a good one can cost you.  But hell, I would’ve been requesting, at least, a year-long budget for top-of-the-line weave and hair care services (Kimberly-Kimble-style) from DIDDY’s bank account.  My shit would be LAID.  You would think it really DID grow from my scalp.  TRUST! ……….spa services, with scalp massages, therapy for my embarrassment woes….deep conditioning hair treatments, facials to prevent forehead creases from the frowning on my face….. Oh, it could get pricey.  All costs associated with a fire in the tub at YOUR party. hmph!

I have to give this young lady credit for handling it pretty well.  She is on blast.  All press is good press though, right?  Especially since she’s in the “business” and wants to get known.   Nice trampoline, even as embarrassing as it might have been initially. Hell, even *I* know her name now. And trust me when I say, I wouldn’t have cared any less before the fire.

…..and nobody else would have either.


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December 2010