City Living


I love living in the city. 

Smog. Grime. Dirt. Soot. Sewage. The homeless. Beggars. Vandalism. Shootings. Overcrowding. Ridiculous taxes. Expensive housing. Higher crime.

So I moved to the city.  From another city.  Something about staying within the city limits just appeals to me. 

I should really stop and figure out why.  Today, I can’t even tell you.

While walking down State Street, I watched three people sprinting. Out of a store. 2 men. 1 woman.  Then I watched man #2 run down and football tackle man #1 facedown onto a freezing cold, slushy concrete sidewalk.  I calmly continued to walk.  “Put your hands behind your back.”  Woman scrambles back near the initial starting point of the ‘race.’ So as I passed, literally inches away from the scene, I turned my head to view man #1’s face.  Hmmm. Older, vision challenged. Oh.  Noticed that woman was picking up what looked like a watch and a small bottle of perfume.   Onlookers, slowed their pace and craned their necks to take in the scene.  I had an errand to run.

As I got to my destination, I realized something.  I wasn’t even phased by what I just observed.  Barely had “motorist gawking” syndrome. 

A couple of weekends ago, I got on the CTA bus to go out.  I smelled the strong sting of spirits wafting into my nostrils.  I brushed it off as it WAS late on a Saturday night. Scanned the passengers and realized that one dude might have been out drinking….or hell, was an alcoholic.  His issue, right?  Well, the man stands up….the one sitting across from him was solidly engaged in conversation by cell phone….the bus does it’s normal sway and jerk action….standing man CRASHES full into the man seated across from him. WHOA!!!!!!  Standing/falling dude almost busts his face into the silver pole that everyone uses to maintain their balance.  But then ol’ boy, manages to swirl his body around and land into the next seat.  He is WASTED!  He is certainly attempting to get off at the next stop.  I did the once over assessment.  Really nice Timbs. Decently current wash on the denim.  Clean and manicured. Nice quality turtleneck sweater.  Warm, finished leather jacket.  Warm hat with no fuzz balls.   I don’t know. This dude looked like somebody at home takes care of him.  But he is DRUNK! SLOPPY! Toppling.  Bus is stopped….lady gets off.  Drunkard finally is able to drag himself standing – which was a feat all its own. I’m scared he won’t be able to walk straight.   I was almost right.  He leans over to pick up something he drops……and falls FACE first into the floor at the door of the bus and looks like he is NOT gonna be able to get up. I mean, he DID just bust his head into the floor. His hat comes off, and I see he has graying hair that has been gel twisted like he’s starting locs.    I don’t know HOW he made it off the bus. The bus driver didn’t help him.  I don’t know how he managed to get up the second time. I have even less of a clue as to how he walked himself off the bus. I momentarily feared for him and his safety.

—– But I never got off the bus, never got up to lend him a hand…..just viewed from afar, silently irritated that his impairment was hampering my travel plans for the evening.  This fool was holding me up.  I was SUPER late to the event already.  He took up major time with all this drama.  All the other passengers watched.  Just like me.

About  2 months ago, I was walking up the street to head to the bus from the train.  I see an “odd-ish” couple.  Something just seemed interestingly off.  You know, you get used to seeing that in the city.  There are all kinds of mismatchedness going on there. 
Looked like a couple having a discussion.  Out of what seemed to be nowhere, this white chick straight slapped this black dude in the face.  Well, you should KNOW what happened next.  He straight clocked ol’ girl in her face. I had to turn around.  “Am I the ONLY person seeing this?!?!?!?!?!”  Within seconds, the white girl swiftly WALKED away back to her perch on the window sill at the gas station, and just as swiftly the guy WALKED away in the opposite direction.  Both appeared upset, but seemed thoroughly satisfied with the exchange with no further contact. 

Now THAT interaction alarmed me.  So, what did I do???   Not a damn thing.  I walked by and minded my business like any sane city-civilized citizen. He wasn’t about to punch me in my face.  I didn’t know what they were talking about, how they knew each other or what preceded ANY of that mess.  But I did feel quite unsettled about seeing a man PUNCH a woman in the middle of the public viewing area and no one did or said ANYTHING!

I don’t know WHY the hell I live in the city. Yet I have no intention of moving anytime soon.

Why do we love the city so??


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December 2010